Japanese Tabletop RPG Blog

Tabletop RPG Information and News!

November 10, 2012
by Diamond Sutra

J-RPG Podcast? J-RPG Podcast!

Google Drive: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1uVoci2ePQKYnhiSmNMdGppMzA  Direct Link: https://j-rpg.com/podcast/j_rpg_podcast_1.mp3 Hey all! Last month Matt Sanchez and I–partners in crime at Kotodama Heavy Industries –were bored, so we put together the first of hopefully more podcasts about Japanese Tabletop RPGs. Since it’s an introductory podcast, we focus … Continue reading

August 16, 2012
by Diamond Sutra

A followup to the GenCon Talk on International Gaming!

Heya all! Jason Morningstar from Bully Pulpit gave a lecture on international gaming. You can download the discussion here! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3441990/gen_con_2012_international_rpg_scene.mp3 Here are some quick liner notes for his discussion. His highlights include: Ryutaama, Shinobigami, MAID, Tenra, Meikyuu Kingdom, Komiket, replays, … Continue reading

August 5, 2012
by Diamond Sutra

Dead? Not Quite!

Hey all! Sorry that we’ve been fallow for like half a year. A lot of craziness this year, including working in Tokyo for a month, securing the rights to translate and produce two more Japanese RPGs, and planning out a … Continue reading

”The Honobono Song"

November 9, 2011
by ennui

Western Honobono?

There has been a lot of talk about Honobono among us, particularly about Ryuutama and Golden Sky Stories/Yuuyake Koyake. I usually describe by calling it a “feel-good” genre and making associations with Ghibli films, usually in the same breath. Recently … Continue reading

November 6, 2011
by Diamond Sutra

J-RPG Blog 復っ活!

Hey all, please wait a day or three as we re-establish the J-RPG blog and add some content. We’ll be digging into new themes, new content delivery methods and the like, so please bear with us! 復活:”Fukkatsu” Restoration, Rebirth, Revival … Continue reading